Thursday, June 17, 2010

This bitch!

I was working all day today at Bloomingdales from 2-10:30PM and it was out last day of our private sale so it was pretty crazy in there. A lot of shoppers, people trying on stuff, tons of clothes to be put back on the sales floor, re-organizing, replenishing merchandise for the stock... yadi yadi ya super busy. So at the end of the night I was really concentrating on organizing the sales section cuz u know the sales sections are always the worst! As I'm straightening the clothes this lady comes over and asks "How much is this?" holding up a top with no tag. Me, as a merchandiser I don't have access to the register so I kindly tell her "I'm not sure but if you go over to the cashier over there they'll be able to tell you." She then rolls her eyes puts back the top on the rack and keeps on scrambling. Then she goes with her stupid accent "Why are you here then" I was like "what?" Then she's like "Well you're a sales associate and suppose to help. You can go to the register and look it up so why can't you do it?" I wanted to be like "Look bitch. My job is to maintain the store's appearance, merchandise and put together outfits to display. So don't tell me what I AM or what I'm SUPPOSE to do. And for your information that top costs more than you can afford and addition to that it's too small for you so why don't you go over there to the BIG girl section and pick out something else won't ya?" But of course I couldn't so I said instead "I'm not a sales associate so I won't be able to do that. I'm so sorry." And gave her a big nasty smile. Take that bitch. ;-)

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