Friday, December 24, 2010

Life's a Bitch!!

Life is not fair and it's never going to be. It's something we have to deal with but it really makes me mad when good people pass away early and the bad ones stay forever. Why is that? Why do we have to put up with cheaters, liars, robbers, murderers, pschopaths...etc while all the genuinly good hearted people have to leave this world so soon? All the people around me who's got their life taken away were one of the finest people I have known and now their gone like they just dissapeared into air. I just hate how the bad guys always stay the longest. Is living life on earth a torture? Is that why all the good people get to go to heaven early? Maybe we're living in hell and if you're a good person then you get to leave this shithole to a more peaceful place... I should try to become a better person so I don't have to live forever... RIP Ariane Aria you will be missed. I hope to see you up there in the future and that you will still remember me. Pls flirt w me even if I become fat, wrinkly and old and also massage my feet. :-)
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