Wednesday, October 27, 2010

9 signs that a guy is reliable

So a friend of my blogged about this article she found in Japan and I thought it was funny and soooo true so I'm going to translate it. My opinions will be in italic.

9 Signs a girl can tell a guy is reliable

1. When walking on the street together the guy walks on the outter side.
This shows that the guy is to protect her and is trying to keep her away from danger by walking on the road side.
I've had guys do that in the past and thought it was so--- sweet. Love it when they just like kinda say it in a cold way like "hey walk over this side!" haha

2. When a guy carries heavy stuff for you.
Guys mostly do this to show that they are strong and it's a sign of their masculinity. Girls feel "saved" when guys help them carry stuff for you and it doesn't necessarily be very heavy. When you have a girl you like who's moving or even going on a vacation it is a guy's chance to show their masculine side by helping them with their carriage.
I personally like it when guys carry my bags. In Japan it's normal for guys to carry even girl's purse I know guy's here would never do that because they don't even want to be seen in public carrying a purse and I understand that. I don't need a guy to carry my purse but I think a guy should carry my shopping bags even if it's a Victoria's Secret bag!!! lol

3. When a guy is knowledgeable about a topic you know nothing about.
Girl's love it when guys can have a deep conversation about a topic that you barely know nothing about. It makes a guy look very knowledgeable, intelligent and smart. It's attractive to girl's when a guy has a career that is very different from others or have a very unique hobby. It seems to girl's that these types of guys are reliable because they can help them in a lot of different situations and they can introduce them to a different world.
Definitely agree. I have no idea how to build things or how things work inside of my house nor nothing about cars so I always relied on my boyfriends or guy friends. And I think guys should typically know how to change a flat tire, know all about sports and the rules, and how electricity works so you don't blow a fuse.

4. When a guy actually listens and cares about your worries about your future and problems with your friends.
It makes a girl comfortable and relieved when a guy actually cares and gives advices about your problems with your relationships and your future. These guys who are good listeners are reliable because their thinking about the girl and what can she do to solve her problems and worries. It's especially a plus when they can give good, honest advices looking from a guy's perspective also!
There's sooooo many guys who are just acting like their listening and nodding their heads but inside their head their thinking "omg girl's have so much drama I don't really care and don't wanna listen to their shit." Yes it's true so don't deny it but the one's who are really reliable and care about you will genuinely make effort and really think of ways to release your stress and worries so I think a guy's a keeper if they are good listeners and will give out their perspective of it even though it's not what I might want to hear. Shows that their not just trying to make me seem like I'm always right but making me see the other side you know.

5. When guys can park their car in a small narrow parking spot smoothly.
Driving is difficult for girls and ESPECIALLY for Asian female drivers (I think we all know that and seen it. lol). So when a guy parks his car in a tiny little spot with no problem it makes a girl's heart kinda quiver. It shows that a guy is reliable because they can do something a girl is not good doing or have difficulty doing. So the next time you go on a date maybe you should go on a driving date and show her what a good driver you are and show your good parallel parking skills ;-)
I think guys are super sexy when they have good parking skills. I personally love going fast it makes me all excited when we're passing through traffic. I can't STAND guy's who drive slow like a old man it irritates me soooo bad!! Or when their driving with two hands on the steering wheel like they show you at the DMV it's like ummm is this your first time driving!? lol It shows their confidence and isn't afraid to show it off and go a little crazy and fast even if I'm in the car :-) 

6. Before your test when a guy gives a good glance of your studies.
When a guy helps you with your studies just before your big test at school, bar exam, DMV test... whatever. Girl's are always attracted to intelligence. They don't have to be like Einstein but it's attractive when they can do more than you. Another thing it shows is how nice they are. Their actually willing and want to teach you and help you with your studies so that shows that their reliable when it comes to things you don't know about.
Being smart isn't really a qualification I look for in a guy BUT he needs to be smarter than me for sure. I'm not a very smart person so it's really not so hard, it's probably harder to find something who's dumber but if you're more stupid than I am than it's buh bye for sure!!!

7. When a guy doesn't hesitate about planning a date.
Their good at planning and making decisions quick so you both aren't like "sooooo what should we doooooo?" Girls are typically indecisive so they want a guy to lead and make decisions for them sometimes. Even making decisions for their date when you go out to dinner is a sign for them that their reliable. But it's important not to make ALL the decisions all the time it's got to be a good balance of hearing what she wants too and putting her input in your decision also.
Sooooo true!!! I love it when guys plan a date or even orders for me if we go out dining to his favorite restaurant or if we go eat and I never had that type of food then it's just sexy when they can just be like ok I'lll order for you then!! Shows I can rely on him for making decisions when I'm stuck between eating pasta or rice. lol

8. Even if you mess up and cause problems a guy doesn't become upset but just covers for you.
If a guy follows and covers your mistakes or your mess ups without getting angry then you know he's a reliable guy. Girl's love it when a guy has enough patience for them to say "it's ok you'll know not to do that from next time" and just be really nice about it. It shows how much of a grown up they are and girl's look up to guys like that. It's important though not to ALWAYS forgive them too easily and nicely with their mess ups because then you're just going to be an unreliable guy. So it's important to be cool and maintain a cold attitude when they mess up so they know not to do it over and over again.
Very true. I'm clumsy and I can be dumb sometimes (yes sometimes) so I make the same mistakes over and over again but it shows a guy that he can be tolerant with me even if I f*ck up so many times. They care enough that they will forgive me and patient enough that they won't scold or get mad which I like because if they do get upset that's just going to lead up to an ugly fight and I hate arguing or getting into a fight.

9. When you physically get hurt the guy will remain calm.
When a girl get's hurt physically it's important not to panic because then you're just going to look like an idiot and then the girl will start getting scary and she'll panic too! It makes a girl relieved when their panic but have somebody who's calm it makes them feel protected.
I personally hate it when I panic but the guy starts panicking with me cuz then I'll start freaking out and things just go bad. It really calms me down when a guy is taking the situation in a really peaceful way. I'll just be like wow he's so mature and reliable! 

So these are the 9 signs girls can tell a guy is reliable or not. I could add more to it but then the list will go on foreverrrr so no add ons from me! hahaha Hope it was helpful for you guys and girls!!! (^0^)/

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